Near CT River 11_01


Having grown up in southern California where the seasons are fire, mud, beautiful and smog, even with stints in France, after 20 years in New England, I’m still in awe of the change of the seasons here.  Almost all of these photo montages are made up of ‘snapshots’ taken during our daily dog walks along the Connecticut River.  I’m blown away by how much things change literally in the course of 24 hours.  ‘Real’ New Englanders are yawning about now, saying d’uh…., or maybe “don’t like the weather?- don’t worry, it’ll change in an hour’, which turns out to be true.  Happy to explain the occasional oddball that appears in a few of these montages if you’re interested.

Prints are available in any square format size- the quoted price of $150 is for an archival quality print 24″ x 24” (and shipping within the US is included).  Please contact me for specifics or other size prints.

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